Thursday, January 25, 2007

Entry 6

[please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.]

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others (p.81).”

This was said as the major rule of the farm almost at the end of the story. In the beginning of the book, the Old Mayor’s warning was not to become like humans; all animals are equal, despite the species. No “levels” should divide animals up. This quote shows that everything had gone back to start, because the goal for the animals, no longer for pigs, were to live without human and not human-like. The animals connect to people who work in this world.
I do not understand how Napoleon got to the point of choosing these kinds of words as a rule. I do not understand how “All animals are equal” turned to “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal.” Was being equal an impossible goal from the start?
No equality is seen in the world today, and people now do not even try to be. I think the quote I chose shows the reality. We do now have classes, and that cannot be changed unless every single person in this world can change his thoughts. This may have developed from human’s greed for power. They want to seem powerful, so they have to put some people down in order to do so. Pigs pretended to be the “brainworkers,” or the leaders, so they had to make other animals work. The pigs finally concluded that being leaders is “more equal” than animals that work exhaustingly.


Justine said...

You picked the same quote as i did!
I guess that quote is unspeakably strong. The question came into my mind when I first read this quote. How can someone be more equal than others? Isn't equal just equal? As I read the book, I got to know that it is possible in the Communist society.There are always leaders and they get anything they want while others don’t. Napoleons, one of the pig leaders, always brings around dogs to get control of others, which leads to a conclusion that he is MORE EQUAL. It is a single commandment left in the end of the book, used to gain control of animals.

Have a great Lunar~

Tiffany Choi said...

Even though I didn't read this same book as you, I think the entry and contents are very detailed and specific. I like the quote that you used from the book.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Great ideas. Okay so how does the quote really fit in with the symbolism? Mrs.Mc.